Katrina Ventola


Katrina Ventola is a Certified Addiction Counselor as well as a Life and Family Coach. She is a proud founder of the Wellness Institute of Florida where she has committed herself to helping clients overcome personal and professional obstacles in their quest for happiness. Katrina’s experience in the helping profession is vast and diverse. Her passion for helping others has been a gift from her own journey in recovery that has spanned over 14 years. Having taught over 1,200 hours of classes, she is classified as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and has worked in every facet of the field of addiction for over a decade.

Katrina’s expertise extends well beyond the treatment substance use disorders; she is well-versed in working with a diverse population including eating disorders, depression, anxiety, personality disorders and other more acute mental health issues. Her core proficiency and training has been in expressive therapies, including Psychodrama, Breath Work, and Sand Tray therapy. Katrina’s practice is centered on holistic and mindfulness-based approaches which have been found to be extremely effective in helping her clients achieve their true potential.

Katrina’s thirst for knowledge and learning is reflected in a wide array of specializations she has mastered in her professional career. She is certified to teach yoga in a veteran population suffering with PTSD, as well as certified and trained in the Eat, Breathe, Thrive™ program whose mission is to prevent the onset of eating disorders and to help those afflicted, fully recover. She is highly experienced in helping clients and their families break through denial and codependency; a gift for which many have been grateful.

She has been instrumental in an organizational and management capacity and has helped several start-up programs implement and maintain high standards of excellence. Her gentle and giving spirit in conjunction with a sharp business acumen has allowed her to enjoy personal and professional successes. She is also a proud mother and delights in her 12 year-old son, Jacob and 2 year old daughter, Sofia.